Let’s face it; farming is a risky business. Uncertain weather conditions, accidents, disease and crop failures can threaten your livelihood and put you out of business. But you can minimize the risks to yourself, your business and your family by utilizing the tools and expertise available through our Risk Management Division.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (in education and training programs and activities), age, disability, or retaliation. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) If you require the information on this poster in alternative format (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.), contact the USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice or TDD). If you require information about this program, activity, or facility in a language other than English, contact the USDA agency responsible for the program or activity, or any USDA office. To file a complaint alleging discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call, toll free, (866) 632-9992 (voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at (800) 632-9992 (voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal Relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice users). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Farm Property and Casualty Insurance
Our insurance experts will assess your risks and recommend a policy that best protects your family’s valuable assets.
Crop Insurance with Precision Equipment Emphasis
With precision insurance, you only pay for coverage on the fields that you can actually plant, not the waterways and wet spots.
Livestock Insurance
We offer two types of livestock insurance: Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) and Livestock Gross Margin (LGM). LRP provides revenue protection from a price decline during the coverage period of the policy. LGM protects the expected gross margin, not the selling price.
Precision Equipment
Our experts visit your farm and assess your inventory, calibrate your equipment and set up your software. We train your operators, certify the calibrations and collect the data to easily and quickly certify your acres.
Precision Risk Management
Current precision farming technology allows you to spend less time filling out acreage and production reports by hand, and more time out in the fields making money. We can help you record your planting and/or harvesting data utilizing the latest in precision equipment technology.
USDA Risk Management Agency
For laws and regulations, frequently asked questions, fact sheets and important planting dates in your state.