A natural feed-grade, dried egg product that is high in protein, fat and energy produced from eggs unacceptable for human consumption. Ideal for pet food and animal feed formulations.
We always want make sure the products we sell are perfect for what you need. Contact us for a free expert consultation and pricing information.
Vice President - Animal Health & Nutrition Sales
Name: Tim Nelson
Phone: 402-560-7381
Email: tim.nelson@brookside-agra.com
Eggs are a valuable, nutritious food for humans, pets and other animals. Eggs which may be cracked, dirty, misshapen or in other ways do not meet quality standards or USDA and FDA regulations are converted into other valuable products. Natural Spray Dried Egg Inedible is produced from eggs that are unacceptable for human consumption and converted into a feed-grade, dried egg product that is high in protein (46%), fat and energy.
Spray Dried Egg Indedible is produced from inedible egg liquids (9CFR, 590) which are denatured with a certified caramel coloring as per USDA requirements. Egg liquids are blended to a consistent analytical profile, pasteurized, spray-dried, and granulated to improve handling and flow-ability. This product meets the Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. (AAFCO) Official Feed Definition 9.74 for Egg Product and the definition of a natural ingredient.
Use 0.5 – 10% for pet food and animal feed formulations as a source of animal protein and fat, to balance protein quality or increase protein digestibility in dog and cat foods, treats, other consumable pet products and animal feed.