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H2OExcel Out-Yields Competitor’s Microbial Product in Illinois Corn Field Trial

Dudley Farms, Inc., located in Pleasant Plains, IL, recently tested the effectiveness of Brookside Agra’s natural water conservation agent H2OExcel™ against a competitor’s microbial product in a corn field trial.

Under the direction of farmer Aaron Howard, H2OExcel was applied to the top 50 acres of the test field, and a competitor’s product was applied to the bottom 50 acres. The middle of the field was designated the control group and not treated. Both products were applied to the fields using a sprayer at pre-planting, planting and post-emergence.

At harvest, Howard noted that although there was little to no stress during the 2018 growing season, there was still a significant difference between the yields from both test fields.

The 50 acres treated with H2OExcel exhibited a higher corn yield than the competitor’s acres, plus the size of the root mass, kernels, leaves and nodules on the corn plants treated with H2OExcel were twice the size of the competitor’s plants. Howard also noticed that the leaves on the plants treated with H2OExcel did not curl as much as the competitor’s plants.

A John Deer Yield Map of the two fields was the most telling and showed a significant difference in coloring. The top of the map where H2OExcel had been applied showed a consistent green color throughout, representing a high bushels per acre yield. The competitor’s field exhibited little green and displayed mostly yellow, representing less than 20 bushels per acre yield, according to the map’s legend.

“We estimated that with use of H2OExcel, the cost per acre was roughly $15 per acre, with a 20-bushel per acre increase. That translates to roughly a $45-$65 per acre benefit/return on investment,” said Howard. “We were really impressed with the yield results from the field treated with H2OExcel. The competition fell flat in our trial as we saw no significant improvement in yield or plant quality and size.”

H2OExcel is a proprietary blend of desert plant extracts and high-quality, humic acid-containing biologicals and other natural, non-plant derived nutrient enhancers. Research-proven H2OExcel enables soils to absorb water faster and deeper. Once it infiltrates the ground, it reduces soil and water tension, allowing soils to absorb and retain water and nutrients 3-5 times faster. It also relieves capillary pressure in the soil to allow soil respiration to occur. This puts more water at the root zone and increases nutrient uptake to the plants, all while utilizing less water and inputs.

H2OExcel is safe for use on all crops, turf and vegetation in all geographical areas and will not harm plants, animals or humans. When mixed with water, H2OExcel can be applied as a spray or soil-drench and can be safely blended with fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.

For more information about H2OExcel, visit or contact Tony Arro, Director of Sales – Specialty Products, at 618-628-8300 ext. 24 or